Amman: A hypersonic ballistic missileinfo-icon launched from Yemeninfo-icon struck central Israelinfo-icon, triggering widespread air raid sirens across Jerusaleminfo-icon, Tel Avivinfo-icon, and over 200 towns and cities.

Yemen armyinfo-icon spokesperson, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced that the military's Rocket Force fired a Zulfiqar medium-range ballistic missile and a Palestineinfo-icon-2 hypersonic ballistic missile at the airport on Monday. 

Saree said that the attack achieved the intended operational goals.

The Israeli Home Front Command confirmed sirens sounding in the greater Tel Aviv area, southern Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem as Israeli air defense systems deployed interceptor missiles in response.

Israeli mediainfo-icon reported that shrapnel from an intercepted Yemeni missile fell in the city of Holon, south of Tel Aviv. According to the Walla news website, the interception also caused material damage in Beit Shemesh, west of Jerusalem. 

Explosions were reported in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and the coastal areas south of Tel Aviv following the missile launch. 

Ansarallahinfo-icon, which controls northern Yemen, ha s intensified their missile strikes in response to Israel's renewed military operations in Gazainfo-icon and ongoing U.S. airstrikes on the Arab country. 

Yemeni's have already announced a blockade on Jewish state's main Ben-Gurion Airport and warned major airlines against flying to Israel on Saturday.

"After the success of our Yemeni Armed Forces in cutting off Israeli shipping in the Red Sea, a blockade was imposed on Ben-Gurion Airport in occupied Palestine,"  Ansarallah said on X/Twitterinfo-icon.

In response to attacks on Israel, the USinfo-icon warplanes launched  fresh retaliatory strikes on Yemen's northern Saada governorate. Strikes were recorded on both Monday evening and early on Tuesday. Six of these strikes targeted areas around the city of Saada and the districts of Saqin and Sahar.