Israelinfo-icon is determined to "prevent Iraninfo-icon from basing itself militarily in Syriainfo-icon," the director of the Jewish state's Intelligence Ministry said in an interviewinfo-icon this week.

Speaking with The Cipher Brief, Chagai Tzuriel said, "If they [the Iranians] start building air, sea and ground bases for them and allied militias, a forward base like they built in Lebanoninfo-icon with Hezbollahinfo-icon, we have made clear we will not accept the situation. We have presented it as a red line."

Regarding Jewish states contacts with Moscowinfo-icon about the situation in Israel's northeastern neighbor, Curiel noted, "Russiainfo-icon is more dominant in Syria. It saw an opportunity and a gulf left by USinfo-icon inaction earlier in the warinfo-icon. It's all frenemies -- it's all about cooperating where you can and disagreeing other places. Americainfo-icon is our strategic ally. Russia is a fact of life."

Syria, Curiel explained, is "a microcosm of global and regional relations -- Russia and the US, Turkeyinfo-icon and Iran, Arabs and non-Arabs, Shiainfo-icon's and Sunnis, ISIS, al-Qaida and its affiliates."

On Wednesday, it was reported that US President Donald Trumpinfo-icon wants to withdraw American troops from Syria in the foreseeable future.

Israel, according to Curiel, would like to see at least some US forces remain there.

"I hope they continue to be involved and continue to represent our concerns," Curiel said. "Countering Iran, which is the biggest issue in the region, must be done in Syria first. You can do a lot with a little. By being there, you are sitting around the table, shaping the future of Syria."