Indian Sepoy Chandu Babulal Chavan, of the 37 Rashtriya Rifles, who had reportedly crossed the Line of Control (LoC) into Pakistan in September last year has been court
martialed in India
, Hindustan Timesreported.
The soldier had accidentally crossed the LoC and was later handed back to India in January 2017.
Sources stated that the General Court Martial had handed down a sentence of almost three months to the soldier, but that authorities are yet to determine if further punishment is warranted.
Chavan had pleaded guilty to the charges of desertion prior to being captured, news of which lead to his grandmother to die of shock.
After the Indian government accused Pakistan of capturing the soldier, ISPR had clarified that Chavan was stationed in Indian occupied Kashmir and had deserted his post at LoC due to his grievances of maltreatment against his commanders.
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