President Donald Trumpinfo-icon's national security adviser discussed the situation in Afghanistaninfo-icon with Indiainfo-icon's prime minister on Tuesday, nearly a week after the USinfo-icon military dropped a massive non-nuclear bomb in the country that it said killed 95 militants.

HR McMaster's meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked the first visit by a Trump administration official to India, a key ally in Asiainfo-icon.

The US Embassy said that the two also discussed ways to increase defence and counter-terrorism cooperation, and McMaster assured Modi of India's status as a major defence partner in the global fight against terrorism.

Indian TVinfo-icon stations broadcast images of McMaster and Modi, each flanked by officials, sitting together at Modi's home in the Indian capital.McMaster also held two-hour-long talks with his Indian counterpart, Ajit Doval.

The talks with Indian officials also focused on the security situation in the region and Trump's Afghan strategy.

New Delhiinfo-icon wants Washington to pressure Pakistaninfo-icon to stop its support for Taliban militants and act against them.

McMaster's visit to New Delhi was a part of regional consultations that included stops in Kabul and Islamabad.